Infrastructure Stimulus: BCG developes recommendations

Experts from Boston Consulting Group (BCG), in cooperation with the World Economic Forum, have published a framework for designing effective infrastructure stimulus plans. In an article published on September 25, 2020, they present lessons and recommendations to help governments develop infrastructure packages that support economic recovery and provide relief from the COVID-19 crisis while also promoting long-term infrastructure objectives.

The authors underline the importance of fostering infrastructure resilience and aligning infrastructure investments with climate action. Drawing on global lessons from infrastructure recovery packages, the report presents recommendations in three key areas:

  1. Sustaining (or accelerating) construction that is already underway
  2. Creating a new project pipeline that is consistent with long-term goals
  3. Setting up enablers to ensure efficient and sustained stimulus implementation.

For instance, the authors suggest setting minimum energy performance standards for new projects and fostering climate-related infrastructure like flood-control projects. The recommendations also include the creation of high-quality jobs through renovation programs aimed at upgrading buildings and infrastructure.