Green Stimulus for India’s Clean Energy Transition

Geography: Asia
Sector: Energy

Read More: India’s Clean Energy Transition

The Rocky Mountain Institute, RMI India and NITI Aayog have just released a report on how a green recovery of India’s energy sector could be realized. The report identifies opportunities for the country to boost the energy transition, building a clean, resilient, and low-cost energy future for India. It also discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic is influencing India’s energy system, with a focus on transportation and the power sector.

To foster the green recovery, the authors recommend several measures related to transportation, such as expanding non-motorized transport infrastructure, reducing vehicle kilometres travelled, and supporting the expansion of electric vehicle use. For the power sector, the report underlines opportunities associated with improving electricity distribution, renewable energy, and local manufacturing of energy technologies. The authors suggest four principles for investments in India’s clean energy transition:

  1. Focus on renewable energy technologies characterized by falling costs.
  2. Create resilient and secure energy systems.
  3. Prioritize efficiency gains and competitiveness of India’s manufacturing capacities and foster the design of circular solutions.
  4. Promote social and environmental equity.