Tracker on COVID-19-Related Energy Policies Launched

Geography: All Regions
Sector: Energy

Read More: Energy Policy Tracker

A consortium of 14 expert organizations, including the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), launched an Energy Policy Tracker on July 15, 2020. The collaborative initiative tracks real-time data on approved public finance and policy measures targeting energy generation and consumption to stimulate economies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presented data shows, at a glance, what types of measures countries are implementing to tackle the crisis and what is shaping our future energy system. The first phase includes G20 countries and policies by the European Union.

The tracker is updated weekly and captures monetary, fiscal, and other regulatory policies for a variety of energy production and consumption-related sectors. Moreover, the tracker distinguishes between a variety of energy types and energy stages, defines broader categories based on whether a policy measure applies to a fossil fuel-based or clean energy source, and as well as whether climate targets or additional pollution reduction requirements are attached to the defined policy measure or not. By indicating monetary values associated with approved policy measures, one can analyze the amount of public funds being channelled into different parts of a national energy system.