To ensure this spending does in fact “build back better,” governments must tie their spending to sustainability targets or conditions.
Corporate Purpose: Shareholders or society?
Joseph Mariathasan Corporate Purpose: Shareholders or society? This timely and thoughtful commentary in Investment and Pensions Europe makes a very strong case for the valuation of externalities. Mariathasan argues that unless externalities are valued in dollar terms, investors will continue to finance assets and services that bring no social or environmental value. Public goods are...Read more »
Environmental, Social, and Governance Targets of the March 2020 Economic Stimulus
Examples of economic stimulus packages announced in March 2020 Can these economic stimulus packages be accompanied by targets on environmental performance, social cohesion, and economic governance? The humanitarian crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be devastating, and targeting stimulus spending on emergency responses, healthcare, food security, and keeping jobs and small businesses alive...Read more »